The 3D animation Naturescape explores a common theme of nature, expressed through graphic elements inspired by the city of Garibong and the hybrid nature of artificial objects. The project began with a simple yet profound question: “What happens when a city is reclaimed by nature? Is there a form of nature untouched by human influence?” The Naturescape poster series draws inspiration from traditional Korean landscape paintings, where the term “산수화” literally translates to “painting of mountains and water.” In this project, 3D artificial objects were layered repeatedly to mimic the brush strokes of oriental painting techniques. The transparent layers of these objects emulate the traditional methods of oriental ink painting, bringing a contemporary digital approach to an age-old artistic practice.
Jaeun Jeon is a graphic designer and educator. He majored in Graphic Design at Art Center College of Design and received his master’s degree from Rhode Island School of Design. Now, he is an Associate Professor at HongIk University, teaching visual communication and advertisement design.