Known, Unknown: A Portrait of Figures that Surround Our Lives
to Apr 16

Known, Unknown: A Portrait of Figures that Surround Our Lives

ANDLAB Gallery proudly presents Alyssa Rogers, Leslie Barton, and Caley O’Dwyer with Known, Unknown: A Portrait of Figures that Surround Our Lives, a three-person painting exhibition.

The exhibition expresses our innermost need to connect and interact with other beings around us. Together, we learn that we are interdependent on one another – and the processes of this interdependence are the very ones that not only connect, but also carry, our lives.

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to Feb 2

Hoseo Industrial Design: 14th Graduation

The Department of Industrial Design at Hoseo University cultivates a global mindset through 'design internationalization talent training', 'industrial-friendly design education' to nurture field-oriented professional designers, and 'fourth industry convergence talent development' to foster new technologies and information convergence. We strive to produce holistic designers.

Also. The Department of Industrial Design at Hoseo University, which has nurtured future-oriented experimental design and user experience-oriented design experts, is the Red Dot iF. In international design competitions such as IDEA, we have achieved remarkable achievements such as achieving a grand slam (9th in the world at the 2019 RedDot Design Awards, 2nd in Korea, 10th in the world at the iF International Design Awards in 2015, etc.). It is a department that shows the best international design competitiveness at home and abroad. In particular, based on creative practical skills through 'venture design-oriented education'. design company. Design company. We are advancing into various business fields related to design content, such as design startups.

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